Fountain Inn Taproom has many ways that they give back to the Community. Creating a fun place to entertain for artists is one but there are several others.

Service Dogs for Vetrans

From now until Veteran’s Day, 50 cents of every PBR or Narragansett sold at the Taproom will go to Service Dogs for Veterans (SD4V).  We will also have a donation jar just for the cause.  Last year we raised over $1200 and we want to double this number this year.

Early last year we got to meet Mazey,  (See Picture above) a recent graduate of the SD4V program and heard lots of testimonials of how the program is helping our veterans after they come home.  

Take some time to look at their Facebook page or visit and read some of the ways they are helping. It is nothing short of amazing.

Adopt a Highway

FIT gives back to the community.  We have adopted highway 418 in town and clean it once a  quarter.Fountain Inn Taproom has adopted approximately 1.5 miles of Highway 418 from the Interstate 385 Exit to the Laurens County Line.

Fountain Inn Taproom has adopted the section of Highway 418 between Interstate 385 and the Laurens County Line. See Map HERE. To learn more about the program click HERE.

If you would like to help out on our clean up days please meet us at the Taproom at 8:45AM on the following dates. Trash bags, vest and grabbers will be provided. Please bring your own gloves if you want them.

Saturday, May 18th
Saturday, August 17th
Saturday, November 9th

Thank you for helping to keep Fountain Inn green!